I recently was given a copy of Fr. Larry Richards' book "Be A Man!: Becoming the Man God Created You to Be." I am currently about two-thirds the way through it and highly recommend that every man read it. The text covers a series of points that should defining features of any man's life if he is living as God has created Him. Fr. Richards does an excellent job of bringing a deep subject to the table in a very understandable and often-humorous way. One of the more interesting things that he does is that at the end of each chapter he gives three concrete goals to help (and challenge) the reader to live out the point being discussed. At the end there is a nice little checklist that all of us could benefit to take a look at. It comes in just under 200 pages, but the book itself is smaller than most and reads really quickly.
I'm interested in finding a similar book for women, so if any of you women (or men) have suggestions...let me know!
Courageous Virtue by Stacy Mitch is a good study book for women.
Sorry, but some how this comment showed up through my young son's account. I am technically challenged! But the book is still good!
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